Nebula update v0.6.2

Hello Nebula Avengers!

I have been working on some changes in order to address some of the comments and improve game play feel and general balance of the game.

Here are the changes that I made:

  1. In the aftermath of all comments and along all updates and  improvements I have decided to increased rotation of Main Weapon Turret  by 200% for all available players. That will make it significantly more responsive to input and will ease the begging of each mission where it is quite important to have decent manoeuvrability and collect as many scraps as possible to gain early levels fast.  Note that other, side turrets rotation speed remains the same and all turrets will still get rotation boost along the levels progress.
  2. Taking above into account I have modified "Main Weapon" Upgrade in Hangar. Initially rotation speed of a  main weapon was there as one of the features, now it is not necessary since a default boost (200%) is so significant therefore i have remove just this feature. The others, damage, projectiles numbers, reload time remain not changed. 
  3. I decided also to enhance more a "bullet hell" feeling and for almost all weapons I have modified a level progress tree to add one more bullet as a bonus.  I think together with available Hangar improvements and some power-ups it will create decent bullet-hell feeling on higher levels.

Have a good day!


Files 64 MB
Version 32 Nov 11, 2022

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