Nebula Update 0.6.4

Hello everyone,

There are few changes in a new Nebula update.

1. In order to give more chance to collect goodies from a circles I've reduced activation time by 1 second for each.

2.  Balancing of the game is still in progress and this time I've added  even more projectiles to a progression tree for each weapon. I noticed in some test runs that it is now allowing to build up a quite strong fire power in early game quite fast and therefore I might increase in a future a difficulty in late game (end of run)  to balance it. It should be easier to enjoy "bullet hell" experience on first map at least.

3. Fixed couple of small bugs.

Small update but it might spice up a game play. Have Fun!


Files 64 MB
Version 34 Nov 15, 2022

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it seems like this latest update added a bug where visual artifacts (fake ships mostly) start to pile up a lot by end game :(


I am sorry for this inconvenience and thank you for you quick notice, bug is removed and i have just pushed patch 0.6.5 to fix it.

I will remember to reward keen eyes when a full version will be ready :)

Thanks for the quick fix! There are a few other things I noticed which might interest you:

Satelite = Satellite (two Ls)
Strenght = Strength (swap T and H)
Lenght = Length (swap T and H)

Red and Yellow Satellites are called Sondas in-game, but called Satellites in the Hangar


Thanks for all the remarks, I will fix it very soon.